Lab 3 Source code

My Variables

the type of the variable $_3 is: integer
the type of the variable $true is: boolean
the type of the variable $lead is: double
the type of the variable $user is: string
the type of the variable $Greeter is: string

Kieth's Variables

the type of the variable $intvar is: integer
the type of the variable $floatvar is: double
the type of the variable $string is: string
the type of the variable $thisvar is: integer
the type of the variable $that is: double
the type of the variable $other is: double
the type of the variable $what is: string

Test print string

Welcome, Whoever !
Welcome, Whoever !
Welcome, Dear Grader !
Welcome, Dear Grader !

this is a blank paragraph to do nothing but take up space and ensure the formatting works