Hi, I'm Mandy and I'm an Illustration student turned web development student at CCSF with an interest in education via visual aids. I like wearing otome kei fashion, playing PC games, and playing cello.
Here will soon be links to other assignments and will be developed more later.
The image of myself above has been optimized using cwebp to convert the png of 415kb into a webp of 54.9kb. Webp is a new light file format for the web with efficent compression with minimal loss. The background graphics are in svg(405 bytes) and png. The side background images were reduced from 2.27kb and 1.97kb to 1.19kb and 1.37kb when converted from png to webp. However this is a very minor difference and webp so far is only supported in chrome, with fallback using javascript taking up more bytes and load time than is what is saved from compressing these. I may eventually convert the latter into sprites to reduce requests.
Since I'm not actually that creative, the pages of this "site" just links to the homework pages of two of my other courses this term: CNIT 133 (JavaScript) and CS 130A (php). Here, SpeciFISHity, is a sample pdf file to test out the ::after pseudoelement, negation and attribute selectors.
This will also be the site to be managed for CNIT 132S.
This page is also used to test css/svg and other web graphics. It'll look very girly.